Get the Look: The Rock Style Dutch Braid
It’s pretty safe to say that no matter the circumstances or occasion, a little extra rockstar energy is always a good idea. However, a big interview or board meeting may not be the exact right place to go full on Joan Jett. This easy to create style strikes the perfect balance. A strategically placed braid adds just the right amount of hardcore attitude to a low, sleek pony for a one-of-a-kind polished look.
While most next-level styles take a ton of time and effort to achieve, this unique braid can be accomplished in about 15 minutes or less. Please note, the instructions below are intended for naturally straight to wavy hair. To incorporate natural curls into this cutting-edge style, please scroll down a little further.
How to Re-Create the Braider Rock Style #1 on Natural Straight-Wavy Hair
What you’ll need:
Hair clips
Hair tie/pony tail holder
Tail comb*
milk_shake Lifestyling grease/braid-defining wax
milk_shake Lifestyling medium hold hairspray
milk_shake Lifestyling strong hairspray
*This is a fine tooth comb with a long thin handle that can be used to make sharply defined parts
Step 1: On clean dry hair, apply a small amount of Lifestyling Braid Grease onto the palm of your hand. Using the “tail” end of the comb pick up small dot of Lifestyling Braid Grease and apply around the hairline. Use the combo to smooth out the fly aways, sweeping them up and into the hair.
Step 2: Create a part that starts above the arch of your right eyebrow and back goes towards the top of the head. Comb the hair to your left side.
Step 3: Make a second ½’ wide parting next to the first one—on the left side of the part—that runs parallel. Create a slight curve in your part as you approach the front. Section this “slice” off with a hair clip.
Step 4. Make a horizontal part, starting at the end of the slice that you just sectioned off, that creates a 1/2” section along the hairline. Stop as you reach the curve of your head (roughly right above your left temple).
Step 5: Continue this horizontal parting to the back of the head. Comb this new section back and pin it out of the way with a clip. Now you should have a “U”-shaped part, with a sectioned off slice hanging from the right side part, and a “fringe” hanging down in the front.
Step 6: Starting at the back of the right side slice, begin your braid! With the tail comb take a ¼ ‘ to ½’ section and divide into 3 equal parts.
Step 7: Start the braid tight and close to the scalp. Begin by crossing two of the three sections and add the last section. Continue the braid towards your face, using the dutch braid method. Each time you cross a section gently pull hair up from the parted-off section and add it in to lengthen your braid towards the face.
Step 8. Continue the braid following the curvature of the parting—picking up pieces from your fringe—until you reach the end of your horizontal section. Secure the braid with a snap-free rubber band. You should now have a braid that loosely resembles an “L” shape.
Step 9: On the left side temple area, take a small section towards the front of the ear and pin the section.
Step 10: Mist the hair remaining hair with Lifestyling Strong Hairspray brush it gently towards the back —adding in the braid! Secure the hair in a low-ponytail (it should start at the nape of your neck) with a snap-free rubber band.
Step 11: Take the remaining hair from the last left-temple area section and brush it back and down in a diagonal. Cross the section of hair over the snap-free rubber band. Wrap the section of hair around the rubber band, hiding it from view, and secure the hair with a bobby pin.
Step 12: Re-apply Lifestyling Braid Grease around the hairline using the tail comb and mist the hair with Lifestyling Strong Hairspray.
How to Adapt the Braider Rock Style #1 Look on Naturally Curly Hair
Step 1: On clean damp hair, apply a quarter ( or more) sized amount of lifestyling curl shaper, depending on your hairs’ length and texture. Rub the product between your palms to warm and lightly scrunch through the hair, from ends to mid-length.
Step 2. While hair is damp, complete steps 2-8 from above.
Step 3: Allow to air-dry or dry halfway with a diffuser, for added volume.
*NOTE: This style adapts well to protective styling.You can create the braided part on damp hair as described above and then simply swap the low pony for a pineapple. The last section described in step 9 may not be necessary, but you could still wrap it around the base of your pineapple if you wish. Now you’ve got a fine-apple!
Step 4: When hair is dry, apply a small amount of Lifestyling Braid Grease onto the palm of your hand. Using the “tail” end of the comb pick up small dot of Lifestyling Braid Grease and apply around the hairline. Use the combo to smooth out the fly aways, sweeping them up and into the hair.